About Tihar

Tihar is the festival of enjoyment, fun. People like Tihar festival most than Dashain. Because in this festival, we play deusi, bhailo, with friends, brother and sister. We can see the colourful lights in every house. Every people enjoy alot by seeing. we celebrate tihar for 5 days. 
First day :Kag tihar
Second day: Kukur tihar
Third day: Laxmi Puja
Fourth day: Goru tihar
Fifth day: Bhai Tika

On the 1st day we worship to crow. 
2nd day to dogs,. 
3rd day we worship to cow in the morning and make rangoli, paw(foot) of laxmi. And we girls play bhaili that night and on 4th day boys play deusi. 
    And on the last day brothers put tika to sisters. they give blessings, sisters give dry fruits to brothers and brothers give gifts and money.  


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