Experience on Dashain My experience on Dashain was great. We celebrated Dashain for 10 days. 1) Ghatasthapana 7) Fulpati 9) Nawami 10) Dashami 1) Ghatasthapana: In Ghatasthapana we worshiped and established the Ghada in our house. I also planted the seed of barley(jau) which was also taught in our school how to plant. From the day of Ghatasthapana we worshiped to goddesses Nawa Durga Vawani. (प्रथमं शैलपुत्रि दितिय बम्हचारिणि त्रितियम चन्द्रघण्टा कुष्माणा पञ्चम्म स्कन्दमाता कात्याएनि सप्तम्म कालरात्रि अष्ठठम माहागौरि नवम सिध्दात्रि देविहरूलाई नवदुगाॅ भनिन्छ।) We worshiped to these nine goddesses in all these nine days. Fulpati: In this day I worshiped to different leaves and in the day time me and my mom entry those leaves inside the house. Nawami: ...